Thursday, April 15, 2010

per jane's advice*

best of intentions: so are you dating anyone?
me: no not really
best of intentions: how is it that you never seem to be dating anyone?
me:oh you know, i'm not a very healthy communicator...been kinda dating out of my league...and i hate brushing my hair sooo....
best of intentions: well you look great
*unless she does not want to claim as advising me to say things like this being as she probably may have given me the benefit of the doubt i wouldn't actually respond with any of the options we joked about....


  1. hahahaha. after all these years of that question i finally came up with a clever response. but really, why don't you have a boyfriend? you're pretty. (back to square one)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dated out of your league? If anything you need to stop dating these lost circus people and look for someone normal. It has nothing to do with league and everything to do with you being attracted to people that aren't good for you.

  4. jane i am totally comfy being in square one...and matt i really said it all as a joke...the communicationa dn hair bbrushing just happened to be true...i wish i had dated someone in the circus...preferably the strong man
