Saturday, April 10, 2010

i love nicole more than any country on the globe...but...

once upon a time there were three pretty girls in america
who decided they would rather be in thailand

for two whole weeks(and this pic is the actual place where we will be of)
and maybe we leave in like 3 weeks...
and maybe the picture collage was a bit much...but i have pretty friends and we do fun things...
besides im so amped up i don't know what i'm doing...oh and its three pretty girls and a bbaby boy...he only gets to come cuz he is still inside...don't panic it's not mine...or emily' its totally appropriate..and exciting!!


  1. Can't wait!!! Love this post and conceitedness. Don't know how to spell that word and don't have enough energy to look it up.

  2. dear emily, i have long held to the's not conceited if it's i made the theory what

  3. Yay! All I do is think about it all day! What am I going to think about when I'm actually there? Also, I should color my hair brown, this picture makes me look so uncool.

  4. what? why? im like obsessed with this pic of you...besides em's hair is totally blonder you have to stay blonde...three blondes in thailand...oh boy

  5. this is so amazing!!! I'm so happy for you. What a trip! i'm really wanting to get to SE Asia in 2010.

  6. Darc, DO NOT GO DARK! You look super sexy in that pic.

  7. There was a James Bond film made on that beach. And you should not be going during baseball season.

  8. i didn't comment right away because i was too devastated. i am 30% jealous and 70% mad.

  9. Also, there is some CRAZY stuff going on in Thailand right now...we need to make sure we'll be able to get back home.

  10. nicole stop...em coming home is overrated

  11. The first sentence "3 pretty girls" made me immediately think "hmmm... does that mean California 5, or Utah 10?" But that might be because I like to stir the pot.
