Tuesday, December 20, 2011

snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

so i love holidays but i'm not always able to convince myself to go to the big socal things for it (ever seen that scene in tangled where she's deciding wheher to leave the tower? ya me over the ward social) so i decided to have a few girls over for a little christmas girls night in dinner and cookie decorating extravaganza
  • yummy homemade tortilla soup
  • light every candle in the house
  • worlds best vegatable dip
  • cookies (duh)
  • girl talk ...lots of girl talk  and then some more girl talk that somehow ends in scary stories and murder?
  • christmas light looking( i'll post a video or you can youtube the house up the street from me has a whole light music show extravaganza...it even has a light board you can text messages to)
  • get hit on on said text-light board/have heather save chrstmas from polluters
  • the new girl christmas episode
looks like we've got ourselves an anual christmas tradition

Saturday, December 10, 2011


im a lag at blogging thses days...i blame instagram
but ts better to say thanks late than never
im grateful we get this day every year to say thanks and eat lots